

We care about Europe, we care about Serbia and its citizens. We are better together – say the Ambassador of the European Union and the Ambassadors of EU Member States to Serbia.

Energy Support Package for Serbia

EU and Serbia act together to help vulnerable families and SMEs cope with the energy crisis; improve Serbia’s energy security; and support Serbia’s green energy transition.

Better Together

The Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia has launched the campaign "Better Together" as part of the #EUforYou initiative with the aim of raising awareness among the citizens of Serbia about the benefits of joining the European Union and the support that the EU provides to Serbia. It also aims to create a stronger emotional connection with the population.

EU Cares

Nowadays, more than ever, solidarity is the most treasured value and most prominent on the EU agenda. European Union has been supporting Serbia not only from the beginning of the pandemic but also in the past decade with investments and assistance in the areas of health infrastructure, wellbeing, crisis and risk management providing for safer and more responsive crisis management and civil protection in Serbia. 

Turn to Green

Campaign „Turn to Green“ of the European Union and project "EU for Energy Labeling and Eco-Design of products" is campaign about energy efficiency of home appliances, primarily intended to households and to sellers and distributors of goods and household appliances that consume energy.

With knowledge we change the world

With knowledge we change the world

With knowledge we change the world is the new national campaign of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the European Union in Serbia. It is focused for all pupils, students, teachers, professors and citizens of Serbia and focuses on education reform as a key link in the development of every society and state.

Za naša polja - For our Fields

The Delegation of the European Union to Serbia and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management are organising a national agricultural campaign - "For our fields - #EU for agriculture" (Za naša polja - EU za poljoprivredu), whose task is to promote long-term cooperation between the EU and the Republic of Serbia in the agricultural sector.

And what is your superpower?

The Delegation of the European Union to Serbia became a proud partner of the Serbian Paralympic team, primarily by covering the costs of transporting 20 athletes, their coaches and staff to Tokyo and supporting the Serbian Paralympic Committee in performing its duties and promoting sports for all in Serbia.

Stories from Serbia

Stories from Serbia is a series of videos about concrete examples of EU aid and a positive effect on the individual and the community.

EU for Business

The European Delegation to Serbia is launching a campaign dedicated to EU’s support for Jobs and economic development – #EUzaBiznis. The campaign builds on the main slogan of #EUzaTebe. 



The European Union, as the largest donor in Serbia, supports the modernization of the education system and harmonization with the standards and practices of EU countries. Since 2003, the European Union has donated more than 100 million euros for the reform of the education sector - for the improvement of preschool education, reform of secondary vocational education, adult education, renovation and equipment of schools and colleges, support for inclusive education.



In order to raise public awareness of the European Union's assistance in the fields of transport, energy and the digital agenda, the campaign in the field of connectivity is aimed at promoting EU donations and investments in these areas, communicating facts in a simple and interesting way. The campaign focused on the most successful projects financed from IPA instruments and investments of the European Investment Bank.

Administration tailored to all of us

The European Union strongly supports the process of public administration reform in Serbia. This support has lasted continuously since 2000, with more than 200 million euros invested in the professionalization of administration, the development of electronic services, public financial management, but also in improving the work of local governments and independent institutions.

Move !

Look at the nature that surrounds you. It is not only in the mountains, rivers and villages that are far from the city crowds. It is found in every sip of water, every breath and snack we take for ourselves. That is why our common mission is to preserve and recover all those, from our window invisible rivers and forests, all animal and plant species, and to reduce the daily pollution that can endanger our well-being and future.

Last updated: October 21, 2024, 13:15