Donor: European Union (EU)

Budget: EUR 12 million

Beneficiary institutions: Ministry of Health, Institute of Public Health of Serbia and its network of district institutes for public health, primary health care centres, Ministry of Interior – Sector for Emergency Management, Republic Geodetic Authority.

Implemented by: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and World Health Organization (WHO)

Duration: February 2023- February 2027  

Goal: To upgrade Serbia’s healthcare system's resilience and capacity to respond to public health threats, in line with EU and international standards.


With health care structure consisting of with 158 primary healthcare centers (PHCs) in each municipality, Serbia has a solid base for response to potential emergencies and we have seen this during the COVID19 response. However, there is a need to build stronger relationship of the healthcare system and other competent national institutions and local-level partners, including the civil sector, which can make a significant contribution in responding to emergencies.. Serbia's capacity for surveillance and response to serious cross-border health threats, including communicable diseases (CDs), remains limited and needs modernization. Further work is needed on developing standards and procedures on using laboratory data for surveillance of communicable diseases, as well as on improving quality of biosafety and biosecurity management systems and strengthening diagnostic capacities. The country is working on establishing a centralized health information and communication system.  

Expected results:

• 3 laboratories in Institutes of Public Health in Belgrade, Nis, and Kragujevac reconstructed and equipped in line with Biosafety Level 2/2+ standards.

• Procedures developed and IPH staff in institutes for public health empowered to implement the Laboratory Quality Management System (LQMS) in everyday practice.

• Procedures for healthcare system response to emergencies at national and local level developed.

• Medical professionals, including sanitary inspectors, at national and local level, empowered for Public Health Emergency Management and providing psycho-social support to citizens affected by public health crises and emergencies.

• The Disaster Risk Register upgraded with Public Health related risks leading to better emergency preparedness.

• The Health Information System established through upgrade of the Electronic Health Record system with a focus on surveillance for CDs.

• e-Health platform implemented, and training provided to PHC staff and citizens.

• Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Plan Implemented and tested through training and simulation exercises (SimEx).

• Emergency Awareness Raising Events on how to behave in emergencies organized for citizens.

Last updated: October 21, 2024, 13:15