Strengthening Disaster Resilience in Agriculture

Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach that integrates disaster risk reduction, climate adaptation, and promotes sustainable agricultural practices at all levels. Moreover, development of institutional and local capacities within the sector to enhance both resilience to climate change but also create new possibilities for farmers to have benefits from a strengthened local governance is prerequisite for paving the way for implementation of more sustainable practices. By mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction and Management and Climate Smart Agriculture across policies, strategies, and practices, at both national and local level it is possible to overcome challenges and make the sector more competitive and inclusive. Bearing in mind that young people are actors of change and play a key role in rural development, it is key to provide quality education to young farmers and agricultural professionals, so they have the knowledge and skills to drive change in their communities.

The main goal of the project is to timely identify potential risk and conduct necessary assessments, while implementing climate smart practices to ensure sustainable rural development in the country. Through its seven components the project is aims to introduce the CSA and DRR/M principles into national and local policies, strategies, and development plans to ensure that sustainable and resilient-building resilience-building measures are prioritized and supported at all levels of governance. The project also aims to support local self-governments, advisory services and educational to implement CSA and DRR/M principles in their work, while strengthening multisectoral cooperation and raising awareness in their communities. One area of the project is dedicated to establishing demo fields that will provide farmers with valuable insights and information on the importance and benefits of adapting their farms to become more resilient to climate change. Farmers will have the opportunity to see how these principles are put in practice and how they can be beneficial and provide long-term productivity.

Expected results of the project are:

  • Institutional and capacity gap assessment in the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in Disaster Risk Reduction/Management and Climate Smart Agriculture conducted;
  • Capacity development programme for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in Disaster Risk Reduction/Management and Climate Smart Agriculture developed;
  • Local governments supported to implement Disaster Risk Reduction/Management and Climate Smart Agriculture principles;
  • Agricultural extension and advisory services system supported to incorporate Disaster Risk Reduction/Management and Climate Smart Agriculture principles;
  • Agricultural education system supported to incorporate Disaster Risk Reduction/ Management and Climate Smart Agriculture principles;
  • Demonstration plots for application of the Disaster Risk Reduction/Management and Climate Smart Agriculture in practice established;
  • Farmers trained in Disaster Risk Reduction/Management and Climate Smart Agriculture. 

Through different activities, policies, practical and digital tools and measures the project in envisaged to provide a solid foundation for a more sustainable agricultural sector in Serbia.

Last updated: October 21, 2024, 13:15